Happy scrappy Christmas

In the doghouse at xmas

Photograph: Ed

My human keepers are a little concerned that I am getting a bit chunky lately (hello…talk about pot and kettle!) so therefore my food is being carefully measured out into neat portions every day, to keep me on the straight and narrow.

The hunger pangs have become so bad that I have now had to take matters into my own paws by scouring the local neigbourhood to find bits ‘n dabs to supplement my enforced diet (…and it’s Christmas time too to boot…. Bah Humbug to the mean so’n so’s!)

No food up here

Photograph: Ed

But what delights I have found and brought home? Bits (and sometimes even great chunks) of bread that the neighbours have left out for the birds (not that tasty but my it does fill my tum up nicely). No sooner have I gotten through the door with my spoil….that the said snack has been whipped off me tout-de-suite.

…or up here

Photograph: Ed

Why, on this very day, when I reached up into the fridge and grabbed a small piece of chicken from my own special dish (which of course I recognise as ‘the blue stubby one’), I was told off in no uncertain terms and landed up in the dog house!

Still, I will never give up in my quest for more food – well I am a cat after all!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all you cats out there and may we all be fit and healthy enough to climb trees in 2017 to ours hearts content!

Merry Christmas Folks and Moggs … I just had a load o’ Turkey and now I’m sorted

A cat called Carrot

Carrot is a 7 year old ginger and white male diva who loves to make his presence known. His hobbies include waking his family up at 6 a.m., having staring competitions with local cats, sleeping and snuggles (but only on his terms).

Cat of the Month ~ December 2016

carrot on guard

Tom cat ‘Carrot’ guards his doorway
Image: © Jamie

Carrot, fast asleep

Image: © Jamie

Carrot also loves eating ‘Sheba’, and chasing ribbons’.

Tom cat Carrot looking fab-u-lous with his perfectly arched tail.

Image: © Jamie

carrot snuggles down

Carrot, snuggles down in the duvet …. naughty boy

Image: © Jamie