Reader, we took a walk in the park, down memory lane in fact, where the other half used to hang around with various mates, cut through to the chip shop and do (highly dangerous) backies …. falling off quite frequently apparently, picking up scrapes and grazes (as you do when you’re a kid).
Walking the perimeter (probably a mile in all), about half way round we noticed a beautiful black and white longhaired puss enjoying the shade of the undergrowth.
We stood still and didn’t want to approach for fear of spooking her, but after a few minutes she seemed to say ‘ok, you’ve passed my little test’ and began to stir herself from what looked like a very comfortable spot.
We fussed her and she loved it (as you know, many cats do). What a friendly creature though! Purring and scratcing her head on our hands to ease the aches and pains in her skull bone. On closer inspection we noticed a very unusual spot on her eye.
She is likely a resident in one of the local houses, as was well fed and groomed. And what a coat too, like fine silk.
… We’d say look out for your local strays and well kept moggies too (as if you didnt already)… they can brighten up any day. They could become a regular feature here, that’s for certain ……