Cat of the Month ~ May 2010
Cat of the Month ~ March 2010
Casper, the 12-year-old black and white cat, who used to ride the bus with commuters regularly, has died.
His death was announced on a notice put up at Casper’s bus stop by his owner. We are so sad to hear this news. His owner wrote “Many local people knew Casper, who loved everyone – he also enjoyed the bus journeys….he was a much loved pet who had so much character. Thank you to all those who befriended him.”
I’d like to add a heartfelt goodbye to this amazing animal, who’ll live on in our hearts
The Norwegian Forest Cat
Cat of the Month ~ February 2010
Norwegian Forest Cats (Skogkatt) are well known for their bright emerald green eyes, long fluffy coats and adoring nature….but where the cats originate from and how they developed their long wild coats is still a mystery?
There are many myths and folk tales that explore the development of this unique cat breed. The most likely story is that Forest Cats descended from domestic cats and arrived in Norway from Europe with the Romans. Further back in time it is also thought they travelled with the Vikings to help rid the longboats of rodents.
It’s likely their long coats developed over the centuries to withstand the cold nights and harsh weather conditions in Norway where they evolved into cats with great survival instincts with water-resistant fur.
For more details try — One of many sites which give more details of this beautiful breed.
Cats Sleep Anywhere
Cats sleep anywhere
Cats sleep anywhere
Any table
any chair
Top of piano
Window ledge
In the middle
on the edge
Open drawer
Empty shoe
Any body’s
lap will do
Fitted in a cardboard box
in the cupboard with your frocks
Anywhere, They don’t care
Cats sleep Anywhere.
Eleanor Farjeon
Eleanor Farjeon (1881-1965) was a British author of children’s stories and plays, poetry, biography, history and satire. Many of her works were illustrated by Edward Ardizzone. She lived much of her life among the literary and theatrical circles of London, and her friends included D. H. Lawrence, Walter de la Mare and Robert Frost. For several years she had a close friendship with the poet Edward Thomas and his wife. Edward Thomas: The Last Four Years is an account of their relationship. She won many literary awards and the prestigious Eleanor Farjeon Award for children’s literature is presented annually in her memory by the Children’s Book Circle.
Cat Chat
Cat Chat! We just can’t resist the cute purr chatting of these two kittens. It’s infectious!
A fascinating video from the YoutTube stable.
The one on the right is the spit of kitten Norman.
White cat in the snow
Cat of the Month ~ December 2009
Our moggy goes a fishing
It’s Christmas morning, 8 a.m. and Normans in like a shot, fishing out his new pressies. In this case a fluffy green toy mouse. Not that we’re encouraging him to hunt or anything.