Miss Kitty steals the show

Well reader, holiday time’s almost over for another year! Norman and I hope you had a good one, whether you were sunning yourselves in a back yard staycation or lounging in the heat on some golden sandy beach with the waves lapping at your toes (or paws).

As for us, we saw a whole host of creatures and critters on our trip around the National Parks of the USA, including (stuffed) Mountain Lions, a bobcat, a herd of buffalo, a wild Osprey and three bears in Yellowstone Park (with not a Goldilocks in sight)….. But a certain feline called Miss Kitty stole the show for us (well, for cat lovers who else was going to get the prize)!

miss kitty cat

Miss Kitty struts the boards
Photograph: Ed at Moggyblog.com

Well, to get to the point of the story… coming home we stopped off at Universal Studios, Hollywood in California. There was a show on called ‘Animal Actors’ and who should turn up as a perfomer but one of our own.

I caught the name ‘Miss kitty’ as she was introduced but that might just have been her stage name. Out walks a cat of poise and distinction who stole the show from the dogs, birds and babboon also in the show.

Here are a series of snapshots of her performance.

cat performance

Miss Kittys performance in pictures
Photograph: Ed at Moggyblog

So, right on cue, Kitty proceeded to walk the length of the stage, jump on to the alligators snout, up on to the bamboo bridge, across the bridge and up the rope to the hidey hole at the top. All, without so much much of a nod from the animal trainers on hand.
[Now, did you ever try to get a cat to do anything!! (except coming to get food of course)].

The animal trainers did though point out that all the animals in the show (including Kitty) had been rescued from animal shelters or had been found homeless on the streets. They had all been looked after lovingly and trained to perform in many of the Hollywood films we knew so well.

At the end of the show the trainers encouraged us to to donate whatever we could to support animal shelters (in our own regions).

I’ve posted some more creature snaps below…. We hope you like em

A Mountain Lion in Virginia City
Photograph: Ed at Moggyblog

A bear family in Yellowstone Park
Photograph: Ed at Moggyblog

A Mountain Lion and a Bobcat. ‘Utah’s little Hollywood shop’, Kanab, Utah USA
Photograph: Ed at Moggyblog

A Shropshire Lass

Cat of the Month ~ August 2011

This Shropshire lass is ‘Muffin’ the tortoise shell with a bobbed tail.

Muffin the cat

Muffin the Moggy

A friendly and affectionate girl, Muffin likes nothing more than standing guard over the vegetable patch, checking on the purple sprouting broccoli, and keeping the birds at bay.

Muffin the cat

Muffin at the scratching post

Like most cats she also enjoys a good scratch. Here she is at the scratching post looking like a Manx.

The Cats of Elizabeth Blackadder

Well, Norman and I just love these paintings….

Dame Elizabeth Blackadder RA was born on 24 September 1931 in Falkirk, Stirlingshire, Scotland, United Kingdom. She trained at Edinburgh University and Edinburgh College of Art (ECA).

Fred on top of cupboard

Fred on top of cupboard
Photograph Copyright: Elizabeth Blackadder

Her early work was influenced by the Scottist Colourist Joseph Crawhall and her teacher, William Gillies. In 1954 she travelled to Yugoslavia, Greece and Italy after receiving the Carnegie Travelling Scholarship.

Kikko on a rug

Kikko on a rug
Photograph Copyright: Elizabeth Blackadder

At the time of writing Elizabeth is still travelling widely for exhibitions throughout the world. From 1956 to 1986 she taught at ECA.

Venice Cats

Venice Cats
Photograph Copyright: Elizabeth Blackadder

Her signature subjects include landscapes, cats, flowers, still-lifes and portraits.
Blackadder’s work is based in the traditions of the Edinburgh School, but is strongly influenced by Japanese aesthetics.

Amelia Sleeping

Amelia Sleeping
Photograph Copyright: Elizabeth Blackadder

Characteristically, she carefully arranges objects in a shallow pictorial space to create intriguing and subtly decorative images.

siemese cat painting

Siemese Cat
Photograph Copyright: Elizabeth Blackadder DBE, RWA, RA, RSA, RSW
Dame Elizabeth Blackadder

Dame Elizabeth Blackadder DBE, RWA, RA, RSA, RSW, in her studio, November 2010
Photograph Copyright: The Scottish Gallery

Gorgeous George

Hello folks & moggies,

My name is George, and my human has finally decided to take the plunge and put my picture up here on Moggyblog. Well, here it is and I hope you like it? As you can see they just caught me having a lovely rest on the living room carpet. Normally I’d be out the back keeping busy.


Photograph: Post Owner

I have been at my new place just over a year now and am doing very well after my previous owner’s girlfriend threw me out which was quite stressful as you can imagine. I have a lovely garden to roam around in and am very happy here – sometimes I bring my human a few little gifts from the garden which she does not like, no idea why – I spend ages choosing them for her.

Anyway, Have a lovely weekend,

Yours sincerely,



Cat of the Month ~ June 2011

The tiger is the largest of the four Big Cats in the genus Panthera.
Panthera Tigris is native to much of eastern and southern Asia though its range has been diminishing steadily for many years.

large Sumatran tiger

An adult Sumatran Tiger stalks prey in the forest
Photograph: No Credit for this Image

The largest (Siberian) tigers measure up to 3.3 metres (11 feet) in total length and weigh up to 300 kilograms (660 pounds). The most numerous tiger subspecies is the Bengal tiger. Tigers have a lifespan of ten to fifteen years in the wild, but can live longer than twenty years in captivity. They are a highly adaptable cat, and range from the Siberian coniferous forests (taiga) to the open grasslands of India and the Indonesian tropical mangrove swamps.

Tigers are territorial and generally solitary animals, requiring large areas of deep dense vegetation (in which to hide and stalk, by means of its camouflaged colouring), proximity to drinking water, and of course an abundance of prey. Tigers are often found bathing in ponds, lakes, and rivers (especially in the heat of the day). Together with the jaguar, the tiger is a strong swimmer and is able to carry large prey animals through water as it swims (no doubt using its sharp teeth (which grow up to 5 inches in length) and extremely strong jaws to grip the prey carcass. Incidentally, the word “tiger” is taken from the Greek word ‘Tigris’, which is possibly derived from a Persian source meaning “arrow”, a reference to the animal’s speed (not its sharp teeth).

Sadly, the tiger is an extremely endangered species, primarily due to human intervention (in deforestation and fragmentation in their habitat and also because of human hunting) but also due to the dangers of everyday existence. For example, only fifty percent of Tiger cubs survive to independence from their mother, which occurs at around two years of age. Also only 40 percent of these survivors live to establish a territory and begin to produce young. The risk of mortality continues to be high even for territorial adults, especially for males, which must defend their territories from other males.

Consequently (with the human threat coupled with the everyday dangers of life) three of the nine subspecies of modern tiger have now gone extinct, and the remaining six are classified as endangered, some critically so.

a tiger runs in the snow

Tiger ~ clawing the powder snow as it runs
Photograph: Creative Commons

Tigers are among the most recognisable, and are in fact the most popular, of the world’s animals. They have featured prominently in ancient mythology and folklore, and continue to be depicted in modern texts and videos. Tigers appear on many flags and as mascots for sporting teams. Tigers are the national animal of several Asian nations, including India.

Tigers typically have rusty-reddish to brown coats, a whitish underbelly to rear area and a white ruff that surrounds the lower jaw, neck and chin. Of course the tiger is well known for its stripes. These can vary in colour from brown or grey to pure black. The form and density of stripes differs between all the subspecies (as well as the ground coloration of the fur). The pattern of stripes is unique to each animal, these unique markings can be used by researchers to identify individuals (both in the wild and captivity).. Unusually, the stripe pattern is also found on the skin of the tiger (shown when the fur is removed). It is believed but not proven that most tigers have over one hundred stripes around the body.
Continue reading “Tiger”

African Leopard

Cat of the Month ~ May 2011

A female African Leopard up a tree

Wild female Leopard
Photograph: Patrick Meier

The story of how this particular female Leopard came to be up a tree is recounted by Patrick, the photographer:

“This photo was taken in a place called Xakanaxa, in the Moremi Game Reserve, Northern Botswana. We followed this female leopard for about 20 minutes. She went up and down some tall trees, getting closer and closer to a herd of impala. Eventually, when she started to stalk, she vanished from our sight in a single leap.”

The African Leopard (Panthera pardus pardus) is a leopard subspecies occurring across most of Sub-Saharan Africa. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) classified leopards as Near Threatened in 2009, stating that they may soon qualify for the Vulnerable status due to habitat loss and fragmentation. They are becoming increasingly rare outside protected areas and the population is decreasing gradually. The most secretive and elusive of the large carnivores, Leopards are solitary creatures and predominately nocturnal.

Leopards are known for their ability in climbing (and said to be the strongest climber of the large cats). By climbing, the Leopard can use this vantage point to gain a better view of possible prey in an area. These cats have been observed dragging their kills up trees and hanging them there.
They are powerful runners, reaching speeds of up to 36 mph in the chase. They are also capable swimmers (although not as strong as some other big cats, such as the tiger). They are very agile, and can leap over 6 metres (20 ft) along the ground, and jump up to 3 metres (10 ft) vertically.

Leopards are versatile, opportunistic hunters, and have a very broad diet. They feed on a greater diversity of prey than other members of the Panthera species, and will eat anything from dung beetles to male giant elands, up to 900 kilos in weight. Their diet consists mostly of ungulates (hooved animals) and monkeys, but they also eat rodents, reptiles, amphibians, insects, birds, and fish. In Africa, mid-sized antelopes provide a majority of their prey, especially impala and Thomson’s gazelles.

They have been heard producing a number of vocalizations, including grunts, roars, growls, meows, and “sawing” sounds. To hear some of these recorded sounds you may want to try this link.

Sources : Personal account by Patrick Meier, Wikipedia.org and other Big Cat websites.