Bellitsa and her brother

Bellitsa is a Domestic Short Hair, brown and white tabby, born in June 2004. Bellitsa emigrated to Canada from the “Holy Land” with her brother Hugo. They spent their first year living with their keeper in Jordan.

Cat of the Month ~ August 2008

A Rescued cat from Toronto, Canada

Bellitsa and here brother are very close family

Bellitsa is always ready for a belly rub and is very playful. She loves to nap with her brother, and when they curl up to sleep together it’s hard to tell where one ends and the other begins! The cat rescue spokesman said that Bellitsa is very striking and is “gorgeous inside and out! She and Hugo must be adopted into their forever family together as they love each other very much!”

Bellitsas brother looks a lot like Norman,

Siamese – “Moon Diamond”

Cat of the Month ~ May 2008

Siamese - affectionate and intelligent cats

Siamese – affectionate and intelligent cats

The Siamese is one of the earliest breeds of Oriental cat. The breed originated in Thailand (formerly known as Siam), where they are one of several native breeds and are called Wichian Mat (which means Moon Diamond). They are medium sized and lithe cats that have a very amiable personality – they are though also sensitive and nervous souls.

Mr Jirongs’ hoggy mog

Mr Jirongs' hoggy mog

Mr Jirongs’ hoggy mog ~ that’s some belly that is.

Moggy is a hoggy … China’s Xu Jirong holds his cat, which weighs 15kg and sports a 77cm waist

[Image Copyright 2008 Daily Telegraph News Limited]