Cat up a tree

Who’s that cat up the tree there?

Ahh it’s Norman…

…to cut a long story short Norman got very excited and started running amok until the lilac tree came into sight. He dashed full pelt up the trunk but was suddenly stopped in his tracks! ……he had nowhere else to go you see 😳 , How embarrassing.

No need to call the fire brigade though, he was back down in a flash.

My lap of luxury?

Dear fellow cats,

Well that time is upon us again when, in England anyway, the rain feels slightly warmer on your fur: yes summer is here! Birds whoosh past at jaw dropping speed, whilst in the house some dastardly scheming is going on.

Norman’s all set for the Summer break

I’ve noticed my adopted family sitting at the computer for hours looking at pictures of blue seas, sunny skies and all kinds of maps and charts. They’re making furtive phone calls too, after shooing me out of the room…well I ask you? So, I’m going to be packed off to the local cattery again for a couple of weeks’ incarceration am I?

Well I’ve decided that this year I am going to handle this awful situation differently: no sulking and skulking, refusing to eat the cattery food and menacing my neighbours with rock hard stares…, no, this year I’ve decided I’m going to get some PPMA, that’s short for Positive Pusscat Mental Attitude , don’t you know!

This will begin when, without cracking a smile, I watch the family pack their funny looking selection of multi-coloured clothing that they wouldn’t be seen dead in at home into their silly bags that roll along the ground. I will keep my PPMA on the long journey to the cattery, when I shall sing along with the radio instead of howling my disgust and emptying my bowels in despair (not a pleasant smell for any of us in such a small car, and a strategy that has failed to work time and again).

Once settled into my prison, sorry ‘lap of luxury’ cat kennel, I shall watch the birds in the sky instead of every flipping aeroplane that passes. No more then the dream of my family’s return and the questioning why oh why I couldn’t go with them. Instead I’ll be meditating on the lovely welcome, and fishy treats, I always get when I get home and the emotional blackmail I can wield for a couple of weeks (at least) until we are all back in our daily routines. It’s just lovely to feel so positive about it all!

Yes, this year, I am going to enjoy this summer break more than ever and because of this new found resolve I send my regards, best wishes and love to all cats and their owners, wherever you are, for a peaceful, relaxing and happy summer 2010.



Norman checking his blooms

… and checking his blooms


Cat of the Month ~ March 2010

Beautiful Casper

Casper, What a fascinating creature he was!

Casper, the 12-year-old black and white cat, who used to ride the bus with commuters regularly, has died.
His death was announced on a notice put up at Casper’s bus stop by his owner. We are so sad to hear this news. His owner wrote “Many local people knew Casper, who loved everyone – he also enjoyed the bus journeys….he was a much loved pet who had so much character. Thank you to all those who befriended him.”

I’d like to add a heartfelt goodbye to this amazing animal, who’ll live on in our hearts

Continue reading “Casper”

The Norwegian Forest Cat

Cat of the Month ~ February 2010

A Norwegian Forest Cat

Norwegian Forest Cat

Norwegian Forest Cats (Skogkatt) are well known for their bright emerald green eyes, long fluffy coats and adoring nature….but where the cats originate from and how they developed their long wild coats is still a mystery?

There are many myths and folk tales that explore the development of this unique cat breed. The most likely story is that Forest Cats descended from domestic cats and arrived in Norway from Europe with the Romans. Further back in time it is also thought they travelled with the Vikings to help rid the longboats of rodents.

It’s likely their long coats developed over the centuries to withstand the cold nights and harsh weather conditions in Norway where they evolved into cats with great survival instincts with water-resistant fur.

For more details try — One of many sites which give more details of this beautiful breed.

Cat Chat

Cat Chat! We just can’t resist the cute purr chatting of these two kittens. It’s infectious!

A fascinating video from the YoutTube stable.

The one on the right is the spit of kitten Norman.