Cat Cartoons! Here’s a selection of Cat cartoons and animations, a few of which I’ve tuned into over the years. Anyone got any others to add?… there must be thousands!, Ed.

A list of just a few more cat cartoons. The original list was compiled by the website. I’m updating it to include new cartoons (I’m finding on the www) and some details of the cartoon release dates and authors/creators too (get a life comes to mind!). Lets see if we can get just a few more cartoon images posted soon.
Stage and Screen Cats
Cat [Appeared In] [Series/Comic/Film] [First Shown] [Created By]
□ Alley-Kat-Abra [ Zoo Crew ] [DC Comics] [February 1982] [Roy Thomas-Scott Shaw]
□ The Robber Kitten [ Silly Symphonies ] [from 1929] [Walt Disney]
□ Attila [ Mother Goose and Grimm ] [2004] [2004] [Mike Peters]
□ Aunt Evelyn [ Garfield ] [comic/film/TV] [June 19, 1978] [ Jim Davis]
□ Aunt Reba [ Garfield ] [comic/film/TV] [June 19, 1978] [ Jim Davis]
□ Autocat [ Motormouse and Autocat ][TV][1969][Hanna-Barbera-Bourne]
□ Azrael [Smurfs] [TV] [1958] [Johan & Peewit]
□ Babbit and Catstello [A Tale of Two Kitties ] [1942] [Bob Clampett]
□ Bad Cat [ Augie Doggie ] [Animation] [1959] [Michael Maltese]
□ Baggypants [Baggy Pants and the Nitwits] [US TV] [1977] [NBC]
□ Bat Cats [ Mighty Mouse ] [Animation] [1942] [Izzy Klein]
□ Bella [ Otto ]
□ Benny the Ball [ Top Cat ]
□ Bette Noir [ Poosy Gato ]
□ Beverly [ Fumbles ]
□ Big Bertha [ Fritz the Cat ]
□ Bill the Cat
□ Black Cat [ Courageous Cat ]
□ Blue the Cat [ Orson the Piglet ]
□ Boo
□ Boom Boom Pussini [ Heathcliff ]
□ Boopsie Meow [ Kamikaze cat ]
□ Captain Amerikat [ Spider-Ham ]
□ Captain Jack
□ Casual T. Cat
□ Catfather, The [ Heathcliff ]
□ Cat Gut [ Pound Puppies ]
□ Cattanooga Cats
□ Cattenstein [ Mighty Mouse ]
□ Catula [ Count Duckula ]
□ Charlemange [ Pound Puppies ]
□ Chester Cheetah
□ Chops the Cat [ Augie Doggie ]
□ Chuck [ Omaha the Cat Dancer ]
□ Cinderkitty [ Count Duckula ]
□ Claude Cat
□ Comet Cat [ Spirit ]
□ Cool Cat
□ Corporal Bruiser [ Heathcliff ]
□ Count Gatto [ Atomic Mouse ]
□ Creepy Cat
□ Cuffy Cat [ Supermouse ]
□ Delbert [ Smilin’ Ed Smiley ]
□ Della Pussywillow [ Fritz the Cat ]
□ Delroy [ Maxwell ]
□ Desdemona
□ Doc [ Mr Jinks ]
□ Douglas [ Supermouse ]
□ Dark Batfang [ Hot Dog ]
□ Erma Felna
□ Fancy Fancy [ Top Cat ]
□ Fat Cat [ Rescue Rangers ]
□ Fat Freddie’s Cat
□ Fatkat
□ Feline Faust [ Zoo Crew ]
□ Felis [ Defiants ]
□ Fencer [ Foofur ]
□ Figaro
□ Firkin [ Maxwell ]
□ Flop
□ Fluffy [ Garfield ] [comic/film/TV] [June 19, 1978] [ Jim Davis]
□ Fraidy Cat
□ Frankenstein’s Cat [ Mighty Mouse ]
□ Furrball [ Hamton ]
□ Gabrielle [ Fritz the Cat ]
□ Gertie [ Atomic Mouse ]
□ Gideon [ J. Worthington Foulfellow ]
□ Goldie [ Top Cat ]
□ Guido [ Garfield ] [comic/film/TV] [June 19, 1978] [ Jim Davis ]
□ Hairball [ Pound Puppies ]
□ Heathcliff [ Heathcliff ] [comic] [1973] [ George Gately ]
□ Henry [ Heathcliff ] [comic] [1973] [ George Gately ]
□ Henry’s Cat [ Henry’s Cat ] [UK TV] [1983] [ Bob Godfrey ]
□ Horse [ Dog[2] ]
□ Inky and Dinky [ Felix the Cat ]
□ Jane Feline
□ Jaune-Tom [ Mewsette ]
□ Jenny [ Bucky O’Hare ]
□ Joey [ Omaha the Cat Dancer ]
□ Julius the Cat
□ Kamikaze Cat
□ Kat Karson
□ Katnip [ Herman the Mouse ]
□ Kirby Cat [ Mr. Wild Wolf ]
□ Kitty
□ Kitty [ Dagmar ]
□ Kitty [ Doctor Whoot ]
□ Kittycat [ Barfy ]
□ Kitty Cuddles [ Buzzy the Crow ]
□ Kitz ‘n’ Katz
□ Klondike Kat
□ Korky the Cat [ Homeless Hector ]
□ Kosmo W. Kat
□ Kosy [ Kitz ‘n’ Katz ]
□ Krazy Kat
□ Kyle [ Tom and Jerry ]
□ Lionheart
□ Lola [ Bucky O’Hare ]
□ Lucifer
□ Madame Rubens-Chatte [ Mewsette ]
□ Manx [ Fred ]
□ Maxwell
□ Mehitabel [ Mewsette ]
□ Meowrice [ Mewsette ]
□ Mewsette
□ Milton
□ Miss Kitty [ Porky Pig ]
□ Miss Lil
□ Mr Jack
□ Mr Jinks
□ Mrs Kat [ Krazy Cat ]
□ Mostly [ Bitsy ]
□ Motley the Cat
□ Ms Arda Chevious [ Bucky O’Hare ]
□ Muffie [ Miss Lil ]
□ Naif the Waif [ Urban Gorilla ]
□ Nermal [ Garfield ] [comic/film/TV] [June 19, 1978] [ Jim Davis]
□ Oil Can Harry [ Mighty Mouse ]
□ Oliver the Cat
□ Oliver Wendell McDuffy [ Bulldog Drumhead ]
□ Ollie the Merry Mouser [ Toby the Badger ]
□ Omaha the Cat Dancer
□ O’Malley the Alley Cat [ Aristocats ]
□ Percy [ Little Roquefort ] [TV Cartoon] [1950] [TerryToon 20thCF]
□ Pete [Pete the Cat] [Childrens cartoon story] [Various sources]
□ Pierre [ Top Cat ]
□ Punkin Puss [ Punkin’ Puss & Mushmouse ] [Animation/TV] [1963] [Hanna-Barbera]
□ Pussyfoot [Pussyfoot] [Animation] [1952] [Chuck Jones]
□ Pussy Willow [ Kosmo W. Cat ]
□ Puttypuss [ Houndcats ]
□ Robespierre [ Mewsette ]
□ Radio Catts [ Kid’s Cat ]
□ Reddy [ Ruff and Reddy ]
□ Sad Cat [ Possible Possum ]
□ Salem
□ Scat Cat [ Aristocats ]
□ Scratch [ Biskitts ]
□ Sebastian [ 1 ]
□ Seymour [ Rude Dog ]
□ Shadow [ Atomic Mouse ]
□ Shelley [ Omaha the Cat Dancer ]
□ Siamese Twins, The [ Heathcliff ]
□ Si and Am [ Lady and the Tramp ]
□ Silver Dollar Dan [ Kat Karson ]
□ Snowball [ Tom and Jerry ]
□ Soapy [ Neil the Horse ]
□ Sonja [ Heathcliff ]
□ Sourpuss [ Gandy Goose ]
□ Spook [ Top Cat ]
□ Spooky
□ Spot [ Hong Kong Phooey ]
□ Steaky the Super-Cat
□ “Stupid Cat” [ Snoopy ]
□ Stutz [ Houndcats ]
□ Super Snooper
□ Terrible Tom [ Supermouse ]
□ Three Little Kittens [ Three Bears ]
□ Tibs [ Pongo and Perdita ]
□ Tiger [ Feivel Mousekowitz ]
□ Tuffy the Cat [ Mervin ]
□ Tuffy the Cat [ Supermouse ]
□ Uncle Barney, aka Aunt Bernice [ Garfield ] [June 19, 1978] [ Jim Davis]
□ Uncle Arno [ Garfield ] [comic/film/TV] [June 19, 1978] [ Jim Davis]
□ Uncle Berle [ Garfield ] [comic/film/TV] [June 19, 1978] [ Jim Davis]
□ Uncle Bernie [ Garfield ] [comic/film/TV] [June 19, 1978] [ Jim Davis]
□ Uncle Bob [ Garfield ] [comic/film/TV] [June 19, 1978] [ Jim Davis]
□ Great Uncle Buchanan [ Garfield ] [comic/film/TV] [June 19, 1978] [ Jim Davis]
□ Uncle Rodger [ Garfield ] [comic/film/TV] [June 19, 1978] [ Jim Davis]
□ Uncle Ed [ Garfield ] [comic/film/TV] [June 19, 1978] [ Jim Davis]
□ Victoria [ Jane Feline ]
□ Vocal [ Cyborg Gerbils ]
□ Waldo Kitty
□ Waldo the Cat [ Fritz the Cat ]
□ Whizzy [ Streaky the Super-Cat ]
□ Winston [ Fritz the Cat ]
□ Wizard of Paws [ Count Duckula ]
□ Zipper [ Care Bears ]
…. And for good measure a list of fictional cat references from many sources and genres (provided once again by