Hi Reader. I’m Norman, and I’m a cat, a tabby with attitude, so they say, and this is one of my first ever blogs (well, in fact it is my first blog). In it I’m going to tell you a bit about myself…
…well, I live smack dab in the middle of England with my new (dare I say it – No Ed.) owners (well they might think they own me) – but there is nothing ‘middle of the road’ about me… well they do call me stormin’ Norman after all (but Im no bully cat, honest)!
I’m four years old and have lived with my owners since January 2006, the year when they like to think that they ‘chose’ me from the other cats at the Cat Protection shelter a mile or so from here. However, in reality I actually chose them! As they passed by my pen, I just stretched out my (one white and one mottled) paws and gave a big yawn with my bright white jowls and that was it really, I could tell I’d hooked ’em… They couldn’t get away then…and boy are they in for trouble!
Anyway enough of me for now I’ll continue the story on my next post (I think that’s what they call it).