Its me Oscar, who else!
Happy scrappy Christmas
In the doghouse at xmas
Photograph: Ed
My human keepers are a little concerned that I am getting a bit chunky lately (hello…talk about pot and kettle!) so therefore my food is being carefully measured out into neat portions every day, to keep me on the straight and narrow.
The hunger pangs have become so bad that I have now had to take matters into my own paws by scouring the local neigbourhood to find bits ‘n dabs to supplement my enforced diet (…and it’s Christmas time too to boot…. Bah Humbug to the mean so’n so’s!)
No food up here
Photograph: Ed
But what delights I have found and brought home? Bits (and sometimes even great chunks) of bread that the neighbours have left out for the birds (not that tasty but my it does fill my tum up nicely). No sooner have I gotten through the door with my spoil….that the said snack has been whipped off me tout-de-suite.
…or up here
Photograph: Ed
Why, on this very day, when I reached up into the fridge and grabbed a small piece of chicken from my own special dish (which of course I recognise as ‘the blue stubby one’), I was told off in no uncertain terms and landed up in the dog house!
Still, I will never give up in my quest for more food – well I am a cat after all!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all you cats out there and may we all be fit and healthy enough to climb trees in 2017 to ours hearts content!
Merry Christmas Folks and Moggs … I just had a load o’ Turkey and now I’m sorted
Merry Christmas From Oscar
Norman’s Christmas Message 2014
Dear Reader,
In this First World War Centenary year I would like to draw attention to the animals that served alongside the brave men and women who gave us all our freedom today.
I have it on good authority that a 16 million-strong army of animals including mules, donkeys, cats and even camels was deployed in our battle of the 1914 to 1918 conflict – with the lives of nine million of these fellow creatures tragically cut short. Here is my humble nod to these brave comrades! I salute you all!
Wishing you all A Moggy Christmas and a Peaceful and Happy New Year 2015!
Love and Purrs,
Norman. x

aboard the H.M.S. Encounter 1916.
the Croix de Guerre medal
Probably the most famous of all the carrier/homing pigeons that were employed in both WW I and WW II (as vital communication links) was the one named ‘Cher Ami’, two French words meaning “Dear Friend”. Cher Ami spent several months on the front lines during the Fall of 1918. He flew 12 important missions to deliver messages. Perhaps the most important was the message he carried on October 4, 1918 when he survived shrapnel injuries to deliver a message that saved members of the “Lost Battalion”…. Read the full story at the Home of Heroes (
The horses had to endure the same hardships as the soldiers
throughout the conflict!
The now famous pitbull Seargent Stubby took part in seventeen battles and was nearly killed by nerve gas. He also captured a german spy. He is said to be the most decorated war dog of World War I and the only dog to be nominated for rank and then promoted to sergeant through combat.
Another famous WW1 message carrying dog was ‘Rags’, a mixed breed terrier who was born in Paris. During his service he was bombed and gassed like the soldiers around him. He went on to save the life of many of his fellow soldiers.
There are at least two war memorials to these brave animals. This one is in Hyde Park London
This monument is a powerful and moving tribute to all the animals that served, suffered and died alongside the British, Commonwealth and Allied forces in the wars and conflicts of the 20th century. The memorial was unveiled by HRH The Princess Royal in November 2004, the 90th anniversary of the start of World War I.
Norman’s Christmas Message 2011
Seasons Greetings reader, whether you are cat, kitten, creature or human.
I hope you had a lovely calm and peaceful year and have an equally peaceful 2012.
Ahem miaow. I myself had a fairly uneventful time of it except for my run in with a veterinary dentist who had the audacity and wherewithal to extract my left rear molar without my consent (and very painful it was too). That, and of course my enforced summer stay in the local cattery (always a low point of my year)! Other than that I had a marvelous time, mainly sleeping but occasionally getting up to chase a bird, mouse or small human around the garden.
Enough of me already! This season of the year is (as always) a time for us all, to think about one another, and for yours truly this means meditating on the sad plight of the tigers, lions and all the human hunted cats of this world. Also, consider (as I do) the unwanted street cats and the waifs & strays of our cities and the hardships they have to endure.
So I urge you dear reader to, reassess your priorities and to visit your local cat (or dog) sanctuary in the new year and, if you can, fit another ball of fur, claws and teeth (ouch) and sheer feline/canine delight into your clan, please do so.
As for our bigger cousins, let those with the means, help as much as they can. For the rest of us we will have to pray that the hunters realise the error of their ways in this coming year.
A very merry Christmas, good health and kind fortune to you all,
All my love, sincerely,
x x x
Normans Christmas Message 2010
Well hello again to you Moggies and your pet humans out there.
The big chill is upon us here in England for the third year in a row so, at this special time of year, we must think of those not blessed with a natural fur coat and allow them some (limited) access to the warmth of fires and radiators in our homes (when we have finished with them). Although, generally speaking, a well placed, quietly extracted claw can make them think more carefully about trying to hog all of the heat away from us cats.
Nevertheless, when Christmas arrives it is in keeping with the season to let our humans have some comfort.
It has been snowing on and off these last few weeks here, which reminds me of winters long past when I was a mere whisker of a kitten ~ I’m sure it snowed some in 2002? I love winter (especially roasting my back and sides on the radiator!) but it is a season when paws can get rather chilly padding around in the ice and snow, so extra fishy treats and nibbles WILL be required, whether returning from a five yard dash to the toilet or taking a hard days sleep by the fire (humans please take note).
I believe that EVERYONE would benefit from a good chill out this winter so, wherever you are spending Christmas and New Year, be kind to your fellow cats, other animals, humans and yourself and do please make a resolution to slow this busy old world down. After all, being awake all day is fairly unskilled and highly overrated! And so my fellow festive friends, follow the feline example and take a good few more cat naps in 2011 and you’ll feel the kindness and joy blossom, just from getting more kip:-)
A Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year to you all.
All my love,
x x x
Our moggy goes a fishing
It’s Christmas morning, 8 a.m. and Normans in like a shot, fishing out his new pressies. In this case a fluffy green toy mouse. Not that we’re encouraging him to hunt or anything.